Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Sink or shower? Which one is a better place to wash your face

Lavar la cara al menos dos veces al día es una parte importante de nuestras vidas. Mientras que algunos de nosotros nos gusta hacerlo en la ducha, algunas personas lo hacen por separado sobre el fregadero. Pero alguna vez se preguntó qué efectos tienen estas prácticas en su piel? ¿Alguna vez ha tratado de averiguar que es un mejor lugar para lavarse la cara? Un lavabo o en la ducha? Aquí es un cheque.
Washing Face under the Sink:

wash your face in the sink should be done in a certain way to do it right. Here is a step in the right facelift procedure in the sink guide.

Step I: First, you must make your face free hair. Pull back all its locks and tie in a bun or high ponytail with the help of a rubber band. If tied hair makes you feel uncomfortable, you can also use a headband to keep their margins away from your face.

Step II: splash some water on my face. Once the entire face gets wet, use a soft cloth to clean facial cleanser. Apply the cleaner all over your face with your fingertips in a circular motion.

Step III: Never miss to exfoliate. Go for a gentle facial exfoliant that has tiny beads and can exfoliate your face slowly. Once the peel is done, the face with cool water rinse. Make sure you do certain areas like the hairline, jaw, the two sides of the nose, etc. miss while washing her face.
Step IV: Use a soft and clean towel to pat dry your face.
Lavarse la cara en la ducha:
Here is a step by step to wash your face while taking a shower guide. Although there is not much difference between the two techniques, you should be aware of even the smallest details to ensure a perfectly clean face.

Step I: When you wash your face in the shower, it can get hard to keep hair away from the face. Therefore, take a shower cap to cover the entire head. If you want to wash your hair, you can rinse the reverse.

Step II: You do not have to rinse your face separately because they whole body gets wet while showering. Just wait for a few seconds for the full face wet.

Step III: Now, use a mild facial cleanser and clean the face as he did over the sink. If you feel the need to exfoliate your skin, you can re-use the above method.

Step IV: Wash your face with fresh water and dry with a soft towel.

Sink or Shower? The Better Choice:

wash your face in the shower always recommended over do it over the sink. Although the facelift in the sink may appeal to you more because of its convenience, experts have not yet treated as a healthy practice. The facelift for the shower can make the whole process is perfect and healthy. It is a common and unconscious practice to spend more time cleaning the face in the shower us over the sink. This leads to more thorough cleaning that opens clogged pores in a simpler and more efficiently. It is also believed that the shower can function as a huge steam to the face.

Now that you know what your face clean more efficiently, you can make your choice wisely.

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