Showing posts with label skin care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skin care. Show all posts

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Every girl should know about the types of toner

Often a skin toner and moisturizer after washing the face with soap and water or make-up applied before planting. Reducing the size of the pores and eliminate excess oil from your face is used. However, they have a beauty-care products, because they can leave your skin dry as a bad reputation. With modern formula Toners, however, that different varieties are more than just reduce the size of pores, to come together. They are fresh, clean and tighten the skin for a healthy glow moisturize. Here toners that you should be aware of are as follows.

Every girl should know about the types of toner

Skin bracers or fresheners:

They are the mildest form of toners, because they really have no alcohol (0-10%), water, and a humectant such as glycerin occur. humectants role of the upper layers of the epidermis intact by stopping by evaporating moisture is to maintain. One of the most popular examples of rosewater freshener. They dry, sensitive and normal skin types are the most suitable.

Skin Tonic:
You need something stronger than fresheners, skin tonics that you are in a small quantity of alcohol, usually 20%, water and a humectant component can be up to. Orange flower water is a perfect example of what makes skin tonic. Toners normal, combination and oily skin are suitable for.

Finally, astringent, toner, which is the strongest, because alcohol (20-60%), antiseptic ingredients, water and a humectant is included in a high proportion of components. They remove excess sebum and skin as they cleanse oily skin are best suited to well. Witch hazel is an example of an astringent.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Natural supplements that are great for your skin and hair

skin care
As you age, the effect appears on your skin and hair. Premature graying, receding hairline, fine lines on the face, and some of the signs of a reduction in brightness, which are pulled out of the youth bracket

Consuming junk food, skin care and hair care products with the indiscriminate use of skin and hair problems, which in turn make you look tired and older has resulted in a host. However, as there is the hope that when consumed orally or applied directly, rejuvenate your hair and skin, thereby providing a fresh gloss has a number of natural supplements is not lost.
With a high demand for such products, many online pharmacies India natural supplements in stores are stocking your hair and keep skin youthful.

Natural supplements for your hair
Your hair is made up of protein, and a protein-rich diet nourishes hair and promotes hair growth. Keratin extracts in the form of serums penetrate hair follicles and strengthen the hair root and arrest hair fall. Many online chemists offer hair care products like shampoos containing natural ingredients suitable for every hair type, nourishing conditioners, and revitalizing serums that act as wonderful tonics for your luscious mane.

This is rightly termed the wonder fruit, which is laden with nutrients in an unadulterated form. Coconut oil massage has been traditionally regarded in India as the hair growth promoter. Coconut oil conditions your hair and the proteins in coconut milk prevent hair breakage, thus reducing the occurrence of split ends. If you too want to reap the benefits of coconut, massage your hair with coconut oil twice a week and use coconut milk as a conditioner for long and shiny hair.

Hibiscus or shoeflower is an excellent cleanser and conditioner. It nourishes the hair, prevents premature greying and treats dandruff. A paste of crushed hibiscus flowers mixed with coconut oil is an excellent hair pack. Washing your hair with the water, in which the leaves of hibiscus have been soaked, works as an excellent natural cleanser and lends a sheen to your hair and keeps it glowing.

Want to nourish your hair from its roots? Use henna hair pack for beautiful hair. Hair oil steeped with henna leaves is an age old remedy to add volume to your tresses.

Natural supplements for your skin
Your skin bears the brunt of the harsh weather and extreme pollution. Dry, itchy skin is the result of this exposure, which leads to fine lines and wrinkles. Sunscreens, face wash, and anti-aging creams restore the pH balance and help you have soft, supple, and glowing skin.

The effects of aging can be arrested through the use of active serums that promote collagen production and improve the elasticity of the skin, thus endowing you with a youthful look.

Omega 3 fats
Want to delay your skin’s ageing? Get a daily dose of Omega 3 fats. This helps to keep your skin moist and protects the collagen tissue. Oily fish like sardines and mackerel are excellent sources of Omega 3. If you are a vegetarian, eat walnuts and flaxseeds for glowing skin.

Vitamin E-rich foods
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that counters free radical damage. It is good for the skin as it protects the skin cells from UV damage and is endowed with anti-aging properties. In its natural form, Vitamin E can be sourced from olive oil, wheat germ, and avocado.

It is your skin and hair that paints a picture of you in front of others. Nourish them with natural supplements through a healthy diet combined with a good hair and skin care regime, which will make you the cynosure of all eyes.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

3 skin infections your razor can give you (and how to avoid them)

Ask a fashion expert on four things that never go out of fashion and will answer three-piece-suit, white shirt, a pair of boots tanned and clean-shaven look. There you go! Dressed in the clean-shaven look with élan has its own benefits to your first impression never goes wrong, it is always taken seriously, you never have to worry about how you look, because you know you look good and women love men shaved. But again, to get the clean-shaven look, you need a razor if not used in the right way, can give you nasty skin infections. Here are three skin infections that could contract by not using the correct shaving razor.
skin care

Personal hygiene is vital to stay healthy. Wash the razor properly with warm water should do the trick. Leave your razor in a cup of hot water for 5 minutes before and after each shave and be sure not to share. sharing razors can transmit infections people to you and vice versa.


When it comes to shaving, sharing is caring. You may have bacterial infections by sharing razors and not disinfected before use. The most common bacterial infection that could visit is the staph infection. It manifests itself as a painful rash boiling can be confused with a stroke shaving. So shave very carefully and do it with a clean razor blade.

fungal infection

So your razor washed properly, but not dried properly, which serves as another breeding ground for microorganisms that cause infections by fungi and yeasts. Folliculitis or ringworm is another ugly result of sharing razors or not cleaned properly. These infections are common and easily transmitted so it could be very careful when using your razor.
If indeed an infection of your razor develops, avoid aggressive shaving and razors try free "skin" on the market. Shaving gels containing antibacterial benzoyl peroxide are good choices to stay away from razor burn.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Después de rutina de cuidado de su esposa? Lo que los hombres hagan diferente

facial skin care and beauty are not the concern of a woman more. Men spend several hours in the lounge, fitness center and shopping malls trying to look and feel younger. Manscaping and metrosexual man have become so popular that men take more seriously grooming and pay more attention to how they look. Moreover, the market is flooded with products for skin care that are exclusively for men.
skin care

You do not have to dive into the world of cosmetics and his wife to look better. The loan from your facelift or toner once while is fine, but no more. The following activities as part of their routine and b the gentleman can be.

daily face washes
There are some beauty tips that can steal women. Women are very particular to wash your face; men should also follow this advice. Get a soft cloth to remove dirt, dust and oil that has accumulated on your face cleanser. Men with oily skin need to wash your face more salicylic acid to remove dead surface skin and remove excess fat. While those dry, rough skin should use a moisturizer after washing your face.


Since the pores of men are bigger than women, they can become clogged easily. This can cause skin problems like acne and blemishes. deep cleaning is important; exfoliate with a scrub cleaning to get rid of dead skin cells.

Use sun protection

Always wear sunscreen SPF; This becomes more important when you stay outdoors all the time. Using sunscreen is the key to prevent your skin from sun damage, sun spots and sunburn.

Do not forget the night cream

Use a night cream before calling it a day. night creams tend to be more delicious and nutritious than standard moisturizers used during the day. Many also have anti-aging properties.

Shaving accurately
Splashing hot water on your face and neck to soften the hair before shaving. Never shave your face with a dull blade, as it can lead to razor bumps and cuts. You do not need a new blade every shave; just make sure it is sharp. Your skin should move freely with the blade of the knife, instead of pulling it against her skin. After you finish, apply aftershave without alcohol so that the face does not burn.

skin care

Diet and Exercise:

Well-rounded and healthy choices are crucial for keeping your skin fresh and glowing paper. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet to help circulate blood and oxygen to the skin cells. This will remove toxins from the skin and give a fresher appearance. Similarly, it is important that you participate in daily physical activities; promoting capillary operation, higher oxygen supply to the cells and decreases premature aging.

To look a youthful appearance, men have to pay attention to routine skin care. Understanding products skin care available to men and their proper use can help kids take good care of your skin.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Breaking free from the trap Knowing how to shave bearded look put

A beard can make it seem like the most virile of men, manly, confident and bold. A careful and robust beard can give you an elegant look. You may have chosen David Beckham or Justin Theroux, Jake Gyllenhaal, or Gandalf as his inspiration, and you have to learn how to grow and maintain a beard like them.
skin care
We must break the trap-free shaving if you want to grow a beard. The first thing you need is commitment. Adhere to the decision to grow a beard once you have made. Let not discourage detractors.

Selecting a beard style:

Choosing a role model beard helps in establishing and sticking to your resolution generate hair growing success of either complete or stubble own. Fit a beard style that suits you. No need to hurry, you can take your time.

While you are looking out for options, you may want to know the latest fashion trends. Do not give in to the inclination. Grow a beard should not be about fashion, but what you are; It's about being a man. Grow a beard you want and not what you say fashion trends.

Genetics and development contour beard you have are the factors that control the selection of the appropriate style beard for you. The basic regulations make the most of what you have. We say this because the ability to grow a beard varies among men. Some may be lucky enough to have profuse growth of beard, while others may have little or none. Most men are somewhere in between.

A total generated hair classic style is recommended for those who are able to. If you are not able to do so, choose a style that makes the best use of your employer - beard growth, eg the knob, chin curtain, strip chin, or another variation.

Do not make the common mistake:

Yes, like everything else, there is a common error associated with premature formation too- growing beard. If you are a beginner, stop shaving altogether and grew his hair during the first four weeks at least.

One may find it difficult to keep the disheveled during this period, and you may want to see cleaner giving your beard a way. Just to make it worse, frequent shaving can take too beard. It can result in the form of going too high for neck or down too low on the cheek line.

The awkwardly shaped beard seems a failed attempt to grow a beard. Therefore, to avoid premature formation, nor will approach the effort of complying with the aim of taking off too little and not too much.
Relieve itching:

Itching may be irritated to the point of sacrificing new beard he had sworn to grow bigger. Do not let the itch to deny the desired beard. You skin will get used to the beard, give him some time. Soothe itchy skin with a moisturizing lotion or other products for skin care. Remember your commitment!

If you're going to cut the beard itself, you need the right tools. You will have to decide whether to cut with scissors or a barber.
If you decide to cut with scissors especially considering the purchase of a pair of scissors professional barber.
Barbers considering a rechargeable cordless model might be a good choice.
You should also have a good wide-tooth comb. Optionally, for the mustache, you may want to have a fine-toothed comb. Some specialty stores sell small mustache combs.
A good size mirror on the wall is often indispensable. It could also benefit from a mirror and possibly a three-way mirror.
Do not trim beard or mustache wet. Wet hair is longer. When dried you can be found which has cut too.
If you use a comb and scissors: Comb through the beard and cut the hair on the outside of the comb. It will take a little practice to perfect this technique. It is better to err on the side of not cutting enough rather than cut too.
To help maintain a balance between the two sides of the face, you may find it helpful to start at the ear on one side and the seat to the chin. Then repeat on the other side.
barbers almost always come with a trimming guide adjustable and removable. By adjusting the position of the trimming guide it allows precision control will cut the beard. See the instructions supplied with the trimmer for details. Until you have mastered the use of the trimmer, it is best to adjust the guide for setting longer beard length at first.
A beard is well reflected a sense of style and confidence and done wrong can make you look like an extra from "The Lord of the Rings'. Follow our tips on how to grow, style, groom and keep a beard that flatters.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Sink or shower? Which one is a better place to wash your face

Lavar la cara al menos dos veces al día es una parte importante de nuestras vidas. Mientras que algunos de nosotros nos gusta hacerlo en la ducha, algunas personas lo hacen por separado sobre el fregadero. Pero alguna vez se preguntó qué efectos tienen estas prácticas en su piel? ¿Alguna vez ha tratado de averiguar que es un mejor lugar para lavarse la cara? Un lavabo o en la ducha? Aquí es un cheque.
Washing Face under the Sink:

wash your face in the sink should be done in a certain way to do it right. Here is a step in the right facelift procedure in the sink guide.

Step I: First, you must make your face free hair. Pull back all its locks and tie in a bun or high ponytail with the help of a rubber band. If tied hair makes you feel uncomfortable, you can also use a headband to keep their margins away from your face.

Step II: splash some water on my face. Once the entire face gets wet, use a soft cloth to clean facial cleanser. Apply the cleaner all over your face with your fingertips in a circular motion.

Step III: Never miss to exfoliate. Go for a gentle facial exfoliant that has tiny beads and can exfoliate your face slowly. Once the peel is done, the face with cool water rinse. Make sure you do certain areas like the hairline, jaw, the two sides of the nose, etc. miss while washing her face.
Step IV: Use a soft and clean towel to pat dry your face.
Lavarse la cara en la ducha:
Here is a step by step to wash your face while taking a shower guide. Although there is not much difference between the two techniques, you should be aware of even the smallest details to ensure a perfectly clean face.

Step I: When you wash your face in the shower, it can get hard to keep hair away from the face. Therefore, take a shower cap to cover the entire head. If you want to wash your hair, you can rinse the reverse.

Step II: You do not have to rinse your face separately because they whole body gets wet while showering. Just wait for a few seconds for the full face wet.

Step III: Now, use a mild facial cleanser and clean the face as he did over the sink. If you feel the need to exfoliate your skin, you can re-use the above method.

Step IV: Wash your face with fresh water and dry with a soft towel.

Sink or Shower? The Better Choice:

wash your face in the shower always recommended over do it over the sink. Although the facelift in the sink may appeal to you more because of its convenience, experts have not yet treated as a healthy practice. The facelift for the shower can make the whole process is perfect and healthy. It is a common and unconscious practice to spend more time cleaning the face in the shower us over the sink. This leads to more thorough cleaning that opens clogged pores in a simpler and more efficiently. It is also believed that the shower can function as a huge steam to the face.

Now that you know what your face clean more efficiently, you can make your choice wisely.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Every girl should know about the types of toner

Often a skin toner and moisturizer after washing the face with soap and water or make-up applied before planting. Reducing the size of the pores and eliminate excess oil from your face is used. However, they have a beauty-care products, because they can leave your skin dry as a bad reputation. With modern formula Toners, however, that different varieties are more than just reduce the size of pores, to come together. They are fresh, clean and tighten the skin for a healthy glow moisturize. Here toners that you should be aware of are as follows.

Skin bracers or fresheners:
They are the mildest form of toners, because they really have no alcohol (0-10%), water, and a humectant such as glycerin occur. humectants role of the upper layers of the epidermis intact by stopping by evaporating moisture is to maintain. One of the most popular examples of rosewater freshener. They dry, sensitive and normal skin types are the most suitable.

Skin Tonic:
You need something stronger than fresheners, skin tonics that you are in a small quantity of alcohol, usually 20%, water and a humectant component can be up to. Orange flower water is a perfect example of what makes skin tonic. Toners normal, combination and oily skin are suitable for.

Finally, astringent, toner, which is the strongest, because alcohol (20-60%), antiseptic ingredients, water and a humectant is included in a high proportion of components. They remove excess sebum and skin as they cleanse oily skin are best suited to well. Witch hazel is an example of an astringent.

For brides with acne prone skin to make paste of turmeric ceremony

Tue everyday thousands of knots tied in with the wedding season is here. Eagerly waiting for your special day, but also concerned about the turmeric ceremony? Well, it's the bride who turmeric ceremony pimples on their face can leave some unwanted acne prone skin as a common concern among. While having an oily skin is its own pros and cons, you can also use turmeric adds a lot of quality. Here is how you make your acne prone skin is a turmeric paste.
After all his turmeric ceremony You may need to make the paste. you will need...

A teaspoon of turmeric

Green gram powder 2 tsp

10 basil leaves

10 mint leaves

½ cucumber

DIY recipe to prepare paste:

Add turmeric powder 2 teaspoons of green gram powder. Grate half cucumber, mint and basil and add to the mix the paste 10 leaves grated. Wash your face with warm water after 10 minutes. If you want to use this paste of turmeric ceremony, you, so that your face, hands and feet enough to apply the paste to make it more will be needed.
His turmeric ceremony turmeric as an alternative to the use of the paste not only help prevent acne but also will give you a natural glow.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Now men look good with beauty treatments designed for them

It is believed that men are tough creatures, which are devoid of any delicacy. But the times are speaking another language; men are at an increased need for beauty treatments.
The growing awareness among men about their appearance has been the trend in recent years. She is not the only one with a desire to look good. However, there is nothing strange about that as the desire to appear flawless emanates from the desire to portray a safer car.
Most men are opting for microdermabrasion, a deep exfoliating action, cleansing the skin and internal pores. Some sessions of microdermabrasion makes clearer skin tone and makes it look fresh and clean. Men have the habit of regularly shaving often damages the skin cells on the surface. In addition, hair clogged pores can lead to pimples, causing skin irritation. Microdermabrasion once a month, followed by a session low daily hydration can restore the natural glow to the face of men.
Men should use creams with a minimum of SPF 15 to prevent tanning. Many men have sensitive skin and sunburns can pose a serious problem for many, causing irreparable damage to the skin in the long-term damage.
The use of rose water on your face after shaving every day, followed by the application of shaving cologne. This is the least we men can do to keep your skin blemish.

Another tip for men is to keep your teeth in good condition. A routine regular brushing is not enough. The teeth are not subject to discoloration after a certain point of time, if no side tooth and gum thread properly cleaned. Several men opt for a professional teeth whitening session. After all, who would not fall for a warm smile?
For men, the corners of the nails also need attention. Often, men with crooked, twisted and disfigured nails are supposed to be unhygienic and unkempt. regular filing session, along with occasional pedicure and manicure can be a great way to look attractive.
hairstyles and haircuts are a direct indicator of the kind of person we are. Whether the Beckham-cut or grunge look, hair styles have been much more experimental in the case of men. However, men should be careful when choosing your next hair style. Factors such as the volume of hair, hair type and face structure play a crucial role in making the right style statement. Sometimes even a basic cut may do the trick if you want to keep a hair style for some time.
Many cosmetic companies have finely designed and prepared design teams and cosmetics for men. This is preferable rather than the general women apply. Men have thicker skin and not all products are adapted to them.
Different hair gels can also do the trick for a position very fashionable. Avoid hair gels in the area, since they can damage the hair in the long run and make the scalp dry and prone to dandruff.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Sunscreen needs a man could not get more demanding

here's a woman's purse that goes around boasting about a lot of heated debate. However, there's no one man's journey to uncover the contents of the kit is smaller. It is rather about how much friends, take care of themselves and to expose how men need some beautification needful is not talking about leaving?

The men start talking about SPF. However, his courage as a man's skin is tough, it still has no hope in the face of UV rays. Men also tough against the side effects of exposure to the sun from time to time to fight should focus on applying a sunscreen.
What is the Best Sunscreen for Men?
Sunscreen for your skin to come to the right decision, you first must know what type of skin you have.
• Oily skin: the skin is prone to acne. Then, take an alcohol-based sunscreen products.
• sweaty: If you have an active lifestyle, you probably come into contact with the cornea lotion and see the zeal. In this case, you should pick a solid moisturizer.
• Dry skin: the skin of such a type is prone to dryness and flakiness. scaliness prevent a moisturizing block, which is aloe vera in it and is able to block the sun's harmful rays use.

How Much is Enough?
Photochemistry and Photobiology published in a recent study, only 25 percent of people recommended amount of sunscreen applied. So, how do you know how much 100 percent? Well, for your entire body, a shot glassful of a sunscreen lotion will work sufficiently. However, make sure you have a 2-hour interval between each application through the day to keep applying sunscreen.

Few Important Tips:
Apply sunscreen all over your body before you get ready to move out of the house. Doing so will ensure a full coverage. Apply dressing you post it, make sure you dab your clothes end and where bare skin starts. Especially his collar and sleeve opening line, remember to apply sunscreen. Lower lip, ears, eyelids, do not overlook the top of the tops and legs. Security around the eyes, that block 100 percent of UV rays, such as sunglasses, wear a wrap around. A darker skin tone, yellow or white men as old as much in need of protection against UV rays, but they still have to protect yourself against skin cancer get adequate UVA coverage need.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Knowing your skin type for skin care right

Pollution and many other things can harm or cause damage to the skin. On top of that, sometimes we do not realize that your routine skin care, what we perceive is right is wrong.
skin care
Here's how to skin care based on skin care.

Normal skin:
As the name suggests, normal skin type is a balanced type of all. This type of skin has a thin, soft and supple texture. This type of skin has a moisture content and balanced oil so it is not oily nor dry. This type of skin glows and reflects the good health and effective internal circulation.

To have a normal skin is happiness and that is what most schemes skincare strive for, but it is important to maintain the good condition of the skin, taking some precautions.

    Sun exposure should be reduced as much as possible that premature aging and wrinkles may occur may occur. A facial sunscreen lotion with an SPF of at least 15 is good enough to protect the skin from the harsh, harmful sun rays.
    This type of skin requires minimal effort as a routine cleaning twice a day with a mild face wash followed with moisturizing and toning does the trick.
    At any time if the patches of dry skin or fat can get the same routines followed with respect to the other skin.

Oily Skin:
Oily skin refers to the smoothness of the skin that may be low to moderate presence. It is because the activity along the sebaceous glands that secrete sebum. This type of skin is constantly faced with problems such as blackheads, whiteheads, spots and pimples.
People with oily skin need to use all "oil-free" and "water-based" products for skin care. Cleansing and toning is very important for this type of skin. Sunscreen is essential for all skin types; choose "oil - free" sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. Avoid care products severe skin.

Dry skin:
Scaling, itching and cracking are the characteristics of dry skin. The need for this type of skin is moisturizing cream interior and exterior. Opt for creamy, oil body and stay hydrated.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Causes of dry, flaky scalp

Due to dry flaky scalp often confused with dandruff, it is important to understand the difference before you go to the causes.

If you feel scaly limited to the top of the head, and it flakes look like dust, or white, it is only a dry flaky scalp and not dandruff. These patches of flaky scalp are worse at certain times of the year, particularly during the changing seasons. Perhaps you have experienced that the place of your scalp as it deems leafy is where you apply shampoo or where falling hot water from the shower. 

The above is a good way to determine that your condition is a dry flaky scalp, not dandruff, which is associated more with oily skin.

Seborrheic dermatitis - This is a form of state goats where the scalp becomes red and causes the skin to peel off.
 Psoriasis - This is a type of skin disorder in which skin cells grow faster than normal, leading to thickening and flaking of the scalp.
 Time - Dryness after the winter can lead to flaky scalp. You would be well advised to use hair care products specially at a time, not your hair type at this time. You can also switch between products if the condition returns.
 Hot showers - Your scalp can become really flaky if you are used to have a hot shower. You will need to use the device and get off the habit of using such hot water for bathing.
 Not rinse and shampoo - You must rinse shampoo thoroughly if you use the device for hair. Conditioner helps to comb your hair as it becomes smooth and silky, but can keep soap remains of shampoo, which may begin to peel off as flakes.
 Rare shampooing - If your hair is not washed and cleaned at regular intervals, dust can accumulate and aggravate dry flakes.
 Hair Care Products - Some hair care products, especially those that are not manufactured keeping in mind the dryness of winter.
 Heritage - The fact is that the tendency to dry flaky scalp working with families and external factors determine its weight.
