Saturday, February 27, 2016

Hair loss in men - Causes and Possible Treatments

natural renewal process of hair takes 50 to 60 strands of hair on a daily basis. However, some people complain of excessive hair loss that is absolutely not normal and should be given expedited consideration.
There are many causes of hair loss in men leading to temporary or permanent loss of hair. Here are the main causes of hair loss in men.
Hair Loss
Health problems which may lead to hair loss:

Iron deficiency: In some cases, lack of iron can produce hair loss. People who do not have enough iron in their diets and those whose body can not fully absorb the iron in the diet. This problem can be easily detected in the laboratory test and corrected by increasing iron intake.

side effects of drugs: side effects of some drugs can lead to hair loss in men. People who are undergoing treatment for arthritis, heart problems, high blood pressure, depression, blood thinner and gout may experience hair loss. Besides this, high doses of vitamin A may also lead to hair breakage.
Overactive thyroid and an underactive thyroid can also lead to hair loss. Hair loss due to thyroid disease can be reversed by appropriate treatment of the disease.

Poor diet: People who are in the low-protein diet or who have abnormal eating behavior may develop protein malnutrition. In the absence of body protein hair growth changes the resting phase, after a few months hair loss begins. main signal indicative of this type of hair loss is that hair can easily take root. If you are in the diet to lose weight or for any other reason then make sure to consume adequate amounts of protein.

Stress: Stress is a major cause of hair loss. It is clear from several studies that hair loss begins after 2-3 months stressful events. In most cases it is temporary, but in others it can trigger genetic hair

hormonal cause of hair loss:

The most common cause of hair loss in men is considered as androgenetic alopecia. Also known as "male pattern baldness', the problem is caused due to the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in hair follicles. Front, top, and crown area of the scalp are sensitive to DHT.

Hair styling and hair loss:
Chemical treatments used for hair styling, such as bleaching, reinforcing agents, colorants, dyes, relaxers and permanent are also related to hair loss in men. This is especially true if the products and procedures used are unsafe.

Friday, February 26, 2016

On their own how to style a fishtail braid

We love to see them and pin them, but we rarely fishtail braid for which we can make real. Indian girls in a simple three-strand braid style pro, but that is pretty much as far as we can go.

Here is a step-by-step way to learn the tricks of the trade.

hairstyles for long hair
Create a peak:

Her hair in a ponytail at the nape of your neck Start by gathering. Use of temporary elastic - one that you can finally cut with scissors away - to tie your hair.

Divide your ponytail:

Now, its peak is divided evenly into two sections and start plaiting. Unlike classic peak, requires only two classes a fishtail braid.

Start weaving;

Using your finger, elastic outer edge of a small section of your hair to separate and cross over to the opposite side (just like if you have a standard peak were overlapping). To strengthen your hair braid clutch again, still holding the two sections. Repeat with the other side of a small square.

Then, a thin strand of each segment, the other goes up still going with two equal sections.

Start weaving
Maintain Evenness:
Strands from either side of the peak coinciding, continue all the way down to the end. Make sure you pull down the small cross-sections and sections from each side of the same size (about a half inch) to try to achieve.

Finish your look:
Once your hair is woven down to the end, a fish tail braid and secure with the band. Then, using scissors, carefully cut at the base of your ponytail elastic out. Use your fingers to tug her ponytail. A simple look at it and give it a bit loose.
For your convenience we have also featured a fishtail braid tutorial; This video is clear and concise, step-by-step instructions that anyone can follow is.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Onion juice: to reduce hair loss and hair growth to facilitate a solution

Using onion juice for hair loss is an age-old phenomenon. Due to the high content of sulfur in the onion, the juice extracted from hair growth and reduce hair loss is considered to be very useful in facilitating. In fact, the use of onion juice for hair loss, hair fall is the fact that it is completely natural and free of side effects due to management is one of the most appropriate measures. The only challenge to get the best results, get your facts with respect to its use.
Hair Loss
Onion Juice for Hair Loss: The Usage Norms:

Onion juice for hair loss: Use Criteria

The notion that excessive consumer of onion juice helps to prevent hair loss is a gross myth. Intake of onion juice directly into quite an ordeal due to its offensive odor. Thank you all for hair loss are required to do to help out the onion juice on your hair and scalp to apply and effective results is to wash it later.

The best way to extract the juice of onion cut into fine pieces and put them in a blender to mix them into a fine paste. Small pieces, it is easy to mix. Once blending is complete, strain the juice and extract. Leave the onion Mask pulp that can be used for topical application and may prove to be of enormous benefit to prepare.

The only problem is that the onion juice to apply on your hair may exist with pungent odor. Once applied, the smell of your hair can be truly repelling. The best way to combat the smell of onion juice to apply a light scented shampoo to wash off the post 45 minutes to use. Alternatively, you can also mix onion juice with honey and apply it on your hair can. Honey well against the smell of onion juice and will be useful in the management of the hair-loss.

You are suffering from post-partum hair loss, regular use of onion juice can be the right answer to their protected varieties.

It comes to hair loss treatments, natural remedies are better sticking. Make sure you have a safe and effective experience for them to use it correctly to know how to go about.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Music for hair loss in 2 simple ways to prepare an egg mask

Do you often cry in vain to dry hair splitting? Or maybe even looking for oil to keep the hair washing only bangs? Whether your hair type, an egg mask to put on your hair for an overall conditioning can be the best thing. And, it is not difficult to prepare. So, here are two simple ways in which you can prepare an egg mask with a regular application can banish hair loss.
Music for hair loss in 2 simple ways to prepare an egg mask
Egg yolk hair mask:
An egg yolk protein and protein out of it prepared an intensive hair treatment may be synonymous filled by applying a hair mask. Egg yolk, vitamins, proteins, fatty acids and vitamins A, D and E. These vitamins to promote hair growth and prevent hair from falling is to let. All these together with strengthening vitamin can help soften the hair. Olive oil and exfoliating hair is responsible for preventing premature graying. The presence of a nutrient-rich egg yolk with olive oil to prevent hair loss and hair mask makes it ideal fighting.

How to prepare:

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 cup water
• Add the eggs into a bowl and pour olive oil on it.
• Mix well both content and add half a cup of water on it.
• a similar manner as the first to apply the mixture over your head, use two fingers.
• Once the mixture is applied, a shower cap, and the mixture sit for about 15-20 minutes.
• Rinse out the mixture in the way you usually do.
• Shampooing the hair mask treatment is optional.
This hair treatment in just one or two times a month can be used.

Egg white hair mask:
Use egg white on the head all of them is an effective remedy for oily hair. Excess oil on the hair and other skin infections such as acne, clogged pores all kinds of problems can cause. Too much oil frequently tangling with a comb that can cause difficult to tame. Egg white hair mask, honey and olive oil, both of which have emollient properties.

How to prepare:
Ingredients: 2 egg whites, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 tablespoon olive oil
• Keep the egg whites just as much as you'll need for the length of your hair.
• evenly spread and scalp hair, use two fingers to apply the mask.
• Once you have applied all over your head, wear a shower cap and allow the mixture to dry out.
• mask sit for 15-20 minutes.
• Rinse it out with water.
• Shampooing the hair treatment is optional post.

This hair mask once or twice a month, shiny, shiny hair can be used.

Castor oil does help hair growth? Yes.

Castor oil is a natural treatment for your hair to grow longer and thicker. Also baldness, otherwise such a gene, diet, daily stress, environmental factors and lifestyle factors as a result of leading to treatment is considered effective. Castor oil that prevents it from falling and thinning hair Jamaican Black Castor Oil is a popular type.

The advantage of using castor oil regularly:

Enhances hair growth.

Stops thinning hair.

Apparently reduces and prevents hair loss.

Nourishes dry hair and makes them shine and bounce.

Makes hair fuller and shinier; One of those signs
being healthy.

Position and depth of the scalp hair root moisturizes.

Prevents scalp dryness.

Boosts overall health of hair
Hair Loss
Moreover, suggestions to apply the castor oil for hair frizz, damage and can help to prevent split ends. Hair is also very strong. The use of castor oil for hair

loss to a common step by step technique:

How to use castor oil for hair growth for:
Using fingers, the tips of the roots to their hair-- apply a high quality castor oil.

Make sure the oil is evenly distributed on the scalp.

Because of its thick consistency you can be difficult to wash out your strands sure to use enough oil to cover the same.

After you apply it to the scalp, cover your hair with a plastic cap and wrap in a towel.

At least 15 to 20 minutes for the oil to your hair or let it stay overnight.

Wash it out with your regular shampoo.

To see the desired results about once a week for six to eight weeks, do not do it.

You could also opt to mix castor oil with other hair-benefitting oils such as olive, grape seed and coconut oil. This not only provide added benefits, but also lighten the thick consistency of castor oil.

Along with using castor oil on a regular basis, one of the basic strategies to encourage hair growth is to have a healthy diet that is rich in essential nutrients. You could also consult your doctor and take some hair supplements that contain hair vitamins.

Gett enough sleep, exercise regularly and reduce stress through meditation to help your hair grow longer, thicker and stronger. If you notice that your hair is becoming thinner every time you check yourself in the mirror, it’s probably time for you to find out about the various uses of castor oil and pick one.

Sink or shower? Which one is a better place to wash your face

Lavar la cara al menos dos veces al día es una parte importante de nuestras vidas. Mientras que algunos de nosotros nos gusta hacerlo en la ducha, algunas personas lo hacen por separado sobre el fregadero. Pero alguna vez se preguntó qué efectos tienen estas prácticas en su piel? ¿Alguna vez ha tratado de averiguar que es un mejor lugar para lavarse la cara? Un lavabo o en la ducha? Aquí es un cheque.
Washing Face under the Sink:

wash your face in the sink should be done in a certain way to do it right. Here is a step in the right facelift procedure in the sink guide.

Step I: First, you must make your face free hair. Pull back all its locks and tie in a bun or high ponytail with the help of a rubber band. If tied hair makes you feel uncomfortable, you can also use a headband to keep their margins away from your face.

Step II: splash some water on my face. Once the entire face gets wet, use a soft cloth to clean facial cleanser. Apply the cleaner all over your face with your fingertips in a circular motion.

Step III: Never miss to exfoliate. Go for a gentle facial exfoliant that has tiny beads and can exfoliate your face slowly. Once the peel is done, the face with cool water rinse. Make sure you do certain areas like the hairline, jaw, the two sides of the nose, etc. miss while washing her face.
Step IV: Use a soft and clean towel to pat dry your face.
Lavarse la cara en la ducha:
Here is a step by step to wash your face while taking a shower guide. Although there is not much difference between the two techniques, you should be aware of even the smallest details to ensure a perfectly clean face.

Step I: When you wash your face in the shower, it can get hard to keep hair away from the face. Therefore, take a shower cap to cover the entire head. If you want to wash your hair, you can rinse the reverse.

Step II: You do not have to rinse your face separately because they whole body gets wet while showering. Just wait for a few seconds for the full face wet.

Step III: Now, use a mild facial cleanser and clean the face as he did over the sink. If you feel the need to exfoliate your skin, you can re-use the above method.

Step IV: Wash your face with fresh water and dry with a soft towel.

Sink or Shower? The Better Choice:

wash your face in the shower always recommended over do it over the sink. Although the facelift in the sink may appeal to you more because of its convenience, experts have not yet treated as a healthy practice. The facelift for the shower can make the whole process is perfect and healthy. It is a common and unconscious practice to spend more time cleaning the face in the shower us over the sink. This leads to more thorough cleaning that opens clogged pores in a simpler and more efficiently. It is also believed that the shower can function as a huge steam to the face.

Now that you know what your face clean more efficiently, you can make your choice wisely.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Every girl should know about the types of toner

Often a skin toner and moisturizer after washing the face with soap and water or make-up applied before planting. Reducing the size of the pores and eliminate excess oil from your face is used. However, they have a beauty-care products, because they can leave your skin dry as a bad reputation. With modern formula Toners, however, that different varieties are more than just reduce the size of pores, to come together. They are fresh, clean and tighten the skin for a healthy glow moisturize. Here toners that you should be aware of are as follows.

Skin bracers or fresheners:
They are the mildest form of toners, because they really have no alcohol (0-10%), water, and a humectant such as glycerin occur. humectants role of the upper layers of the epidermis intact by stopping by evaporating moisture is to maintain. One of the most popular examples of rosewater freshener. They dry, sensitive and normal skin types are the most suitable.

Skin Tonic:
You need something stronger than fresheners, skin tonics that you are in a small quantity of alcohol, usually 20%, water and a humectant component can be up to. Orange flower water is a perfect example of what makes skin tonic. Toners normal, combination and oily skin are suitable for.

Finally, astringent, toner, which is the strongest, because alcohol (20-60%), antiseptic ingredients, water and a humectant is included in a high proportion of components. They remove excess sebum and skin as they cleanse oily skin are best suited to well. Witch hazel is an example of an astringent.
