Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Alopecia: 5 Things If Please note the spot you are bald is, should you do

Loss of hair can be blow to self-esteem. Bald spot is a sign of hair loss and alopecia. Alopecia areata is a type of hair loss that occurs when your immune system attacks the hair follicles by mistake. This condition can be both men and women experience.
Alopecia: 5 Things If Please note the spot you are bald is, should you do
Alopecia is difficult to cure one of the most difficult management of hair problems. Therefore, you should not ignore the bald spot. If you notice you are bald spot, some of the things you should do, is as follows.

See a doctor

Look at your bald spot, in the case where it is suspected to be an alopecia, to schedule an appointment with a professional. Hair of experts led to distinguish traumatic alopecia, it will be able to tell the approach to deal with your condition.
I will take care of the hair

Most, hair problems have led to self. Inappropriate detangling, or other hair damage practices can damage the hair. This is why you have a need to implement a care regimen of healthy hair as soon as you discover the hair of the problem. Shampoo, conditioner and moisturizing is that of the three should be applied more focus. Your hair, you should not have the dirt and residue of hair care products to use. Regularly wash your hair with warm water, use a deep conditioner.
I will refrain from the use of a blow dryer and coloring

If you are experiencing hair loss to limit the direct heat. During this state, the hair is fragile, when you use the heat on it, it can worsen the condition. Flat iron for some time, it is better to forgo the use of a blow dryer. They are in addition to be able to cause damage to your hair, please do not use the hair color or perm.

Hair Problems
Change the style of your hair

Extend the hair, pull ponytail, cornrows and other hair style can cause a lot of hair problems, including alopecia. You do not have to wear your hair in a low operation or protection of style.

Enrich your diet with hair health food

It is the basis of health and wellness to eat a balanced diet of balanced balance of balance. Nutritional deficiency to eat excessive use of certain vitamins, such as a failure and that such A and E, it is likely to cause hair loss. Add more protein to your diet. Drink at least three liters of water every day. To maintain iron levels in the blood.
Bald spots can be hair loss is caused by unhealthy diet, stress, hormonal imbalance and chemicals (hair color). The above tips will help you to put a break to effectively of your hair fall.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Why you should not ignore hair loss

Why you should not ignore hair loss
Some of the common causes of hair loss, straight perming dandruff, scalp excessive oiliness, disease, thyroid imbalance, stress, nutritional deficiencies, as well as hair loss, repeated hair coloring, dyeing, bleaching are due, nutritional deficiencies and probably one of the most common causes of hair loss. Why diet is very important.

Causes for hair loss :
In men hormonal or hereditary factors can also trigger hair loss stopped. In fact, hair loss, balding progress, is more common among men than women. The male pattern baldness is called. Doctors believe that the male sex hormone testosterone is an important factor in male pattern baldness. It's a good idea to a dermatologist (skin specialist) or trichologist (hair specialist) to consult is to determine the cause of hair loss. Alopecia areata, which is characterized by bald patches, men, women and children can strike. In many cases, mergers and balding patch lead. Alopecia Also, it is necessary to seek professional advice.

How often does a child need to wash:
Hair should be washed according to hair type and season. In hot and humid weather, hair, sweat and oil deposits in order to remove the dirt as well, should be washed more often. Hair is oily, so it should be washed three or four times a week. For dry hair, wash twice a week. In modern times, the hair is clean and has become more important, in order to remove dirt and chemical air pollution. A mild herbal shampoo wash hair provided uses, does not lead to hair loss. Use less shampoo and rinse well with water. For short hair, long hair and take half a teaspoon of shampoo, shampoo, take a spoon. Diluted with a little water and apply again. Unless a lot more oil has been applied, only one application of shampoo is enough.

The diet should be rich:
The diet should be rich in vitamin C and B complex. A small bowl of sprouts daily is recommended. Sprouts amino acids, which are beneficial to the hair. Fresh fruits, raw salads, green leafy vegetables and yogurt in the daily diet contains.
Without the option to get rid of hair balding in cases, especially among men, there are other options besides hair weaving, hair extensions and hair transplant like wearing a wig. If the person is partially bald hair weave. Hair is woven to the existing hair roots.
Sometimes hair is glued on. So it is said to grow naturally. Partial hair extension hair weaving method, and are becoming more popular. However, washing the hair and scalp clean and poses a problem for a long time to go to when the hair grows the weave is tight. Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure in which a portion of the skull that contains the hair is taken, alondg with the hair and bald areas of Rome, is grafted. Hair begins to grow in the bald areas. Nowadays the process is very advanced and is said to be better than the hair weave. This can be done in one session, or it may take several sessions. Precautions are taken before and after the procedure.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Every girl should know about the types of toner

Often a skin toner and moisturizer after washing the face with soap and water or make-up applied before planting. Reducing the size of the pores and eliminate excess oil from your face is used. However, they have a beauty-care products, because they can leave your skin dry as a bad reputation. With modern formula Toners, however, that different varieties are more than just reduce the size of pores, to come together. They are fresh, clean and tighten the skin for a healthy glow moisturize. Here toners that you should be aware of are as follows.

Every girl should know about the types of toner

Skin bracers or fresheners:

They are the mildest form of toners, because they really have no alcohol (0-10%), water, and a humectant such as glycerin occur. humectants role of the upper layers of the epidermis intact by stopping by evaporating moisture is to maintain. One of the most popular examples of rosewater freshener. They dry, sensitive and normal skin types are the most suitable.

Skin Tonic:
You need something stronger than fresheners, skin tonics that you are in a small quantity of alcohol, usually 20%, water and a humectant component can be up to. Orange flower water is a perfect example of what makes skin tonic. Toners normal, combination and oily skin are suitable for.

Finally, astringent, toner, which is the strongest, because alcohol (20-60%), antiseptic ingredients, water and a humectant is included in a high proportion of components. They remove excess sebum and skin as they cleanse oily skin are best suited to well. Witch hazel is an example of an astringent.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Natural supplements that are great for your skin and hair

skin care
As you age, the effect appears on your skin and hair. Premature graying, receding hairline, fine lines on the face, and some of the signs of a reduction in brightness, which are pulled out of the youth bracket

Consuming junk food, skin care and hair care products with the indiscriminate use of skin and hair problems, which in turn make you look tired and older has resulted in a host. However, as there is the hope that when consumed orally or applied directly, rejuvenate your hair and skin, thereby providing a fresh gloss has a number of natural supplements is not lost.
With a high demand for such products, many online pharmacies India natural supplements in stores are stocking your hair and keep skin youthful.

Natural supplements for your hair
Your hair is made up of protein, and a protein-rich diet nourishes hair and promotes hair growth. Keratin extracts in the form of serums penetrate hair follicles and strengthen the hair root and arrest hair fall. Many online chemists offer hair care products like shampoos containing natural ingredients suitable for every hair type, nourishing conditioners, and revitalizing serums that act as wonderful tonics for your luscious mane.

This is rightly termed the wonder fruit, which is laden with nutrients in an unadulterated form. Coconut oil massage has been traditionally regarded in India as the hair growth promoter. Coconut oil conditions your hair and the proteins in coconut milk prevent hair breakage, thus reducing the occurrence of split ends. If you too want to reap the benefits of coconut, massage your hair with coconut oil twice a week and use coconut milk as a conditioner for long and shiny hair.

Hibiscus or shoeflower is an excellent cleanser and conditioner. It nourishes the hair, prevents premature greying and treats dandruff. A paste of crushed hibiscus flowers mixed with coconut oil is an excellent hair pack. Washing your hair with the water, in which the leaves of hibiscus have been soaked, works as an excellent natural cleanser and lends a sheen to your hair and keeps it glowing.

Want to nourish your hair from its roots? Use henna hair pack for beautiful hair. Hair oil steeped with henna leaves is an age old remedy to add volume to your tresses.

Natural supplements for your skin
Your skin bears the brunt of the harsh weather and extreme pollution. Dry, itchy skin is the result of this exposure, which leads to fine lines and wrinkles. Sunscreens, face wash, and anti-aging creams restore the pH balance and help you have soft, supple, and glowing skin.

The effects of aging can be arrested through the use of active serums that promote collagen production and improve the elasticity of the skin, thus endowing you with a youthful look.

Omega 3 fats
Want to delay your skin’s ageing? Get a daily dose of Omega 3 fats. This helps to keep your skin moist and protects the collagen tissue. Oily fish like sardines and mackerel are excellent sources of Omega 3. If you are a vegetarian, eat walnuts and flaxseeds for glowing skin.

Vitamin E-rich foods
Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that counters free radical damage. It is good for the skin as it protects the skin cells from UV damage and is endowed with anti-aging properties. In its natural form, Vitamin E can be sourced from olive oil, wheat germ, and avocado.

It is your skin and hair that paints a picture of you in front of others. Nourish them with natural supplements through a healthy diet combined with a good hair and skin care regime, which will make you the cynosure of all eyes.

Monday, March 7, 2016

wet hair? do not care! 5 hairstyles you can try on wet hair

Sometimes, but can not help you wash your hair. No matter how much you dry shampoo your hair, it still will not work for long. In addition, time constraints, with little scope for them to dry style alone leaves. However, it is not recommended to go out with wet hair, sometimes, there is no choice. That's why you might wonder what is the best hairstyles are for wet hair. So, here are some simple and easy hair styling, while in the office or you can try to visit the inside of the elevator quick to make. Learn the 5 best hairstyles DIY wet.

wet hair? do not care! 5 hairstyles you can try on wet hair
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Low twist and pin buns:
This hairstyle is one of the easiest to do and still feel good. The top half of the hair, smooths down and allowing them to dry. To start combing your hair backwards and is divided into three equal parts. Between now and the loop around a bend in a bun. Pin to keep it in place. Do the same for the other two sections.

Low twist and pin buns

High Peak:
You want to look beautiful, you need to try the high peak. In less than a minute can style your wet hair in a ponytail. Comb your hair to get rid of knots. Comb leaves traces, then use your hair smooth or to hide them away. A high ponytail and secure it with elastic grip. It not only looks good, but it also allows you to dry your hair.

High Peak:

Fishtail braids:
However, fishtail braids look complicated, they make even the hairstyles that you can try when you have no time, compared with are easy to look stylish. After the tutorial together pull your hair into a high ponytail. Dividing your hair into two ponytails and from left to right across a small section. Repeat the same on the right now. Pony tail all the way down the length of this. Secure the end with elastic fishtail braid.

Fishtail braids

Fishtail bread:
It is even simpler than the previous one and a half time. You are half way down the length of pony tail, then do not make any more peaks. But the rest of the hair into a bun roll. Bread, thin and looks firm and fishtail braid wet hair breakage lives.

Fishtail bread

Short bread:
It is like a runner, takes no time to reach the finish line. You can get to work in this style just a few seconds. Comb your hair and secure it in your neck is a low ponytail. Twist the ponytail and wrap around to form a low bun. End of your hair to hide under the bread and bread with pin pin. Are you ready to dazzle the world!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

3 skin infections your razor can give you (and how to avoid them)

Ask a fashion expert on four things that never go out of fashion and will answer three-piece-suit, white shirt, a pair of boots tanned and clean-shaven look. There you go! Dressed in the clean-shaven look with élan has its own benefits to your first impression never goes wrong, it is always taken seriously, you never have to worry about how you look, because you know you look good and women love men shaved. But again, to get the clean-shaven look, you need a razor if not used in the right way, can give you nasty skin infections. Here are three skin infections that could contract by not using the correct shaving razor.
skin care

Personal hygiene is vital to stay healthy. Wash the razor properly with warm water should do the trick. Leave your razor in a cup of hot water for 5 minutes before and after each shave and be sure not to share. sharing razors can transmit infections people to you and vice versa.


When it comes to shaving, sharing is caring. You may have bacterial infections by sharing razors and not disinfected before use. The most common bacterial infection that could visit is the staph infection. It manifests itself as a painful rash boiling can be confused with a stroke shaving. So shave very carefully and do it with a clean razor blade.

fungal infection

So your razor washed properly, but not dried properly, which serves as another breeding ground for microorganisms that cause infections by fungi and yeasts. Folliculitis or ringworm is another ugly result of sharing razors or not cleaned properly. These infections are common and easily transmitted so it could be very careful when using your razor.
If indeed an infection of your razor develops, avoid aggressive shaving and razors try free "skin" on the market. Shaving gels containing antibacterial benzoyl peroxide are good choices to stay away from razor burn.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Después de rutina de cuidado de su esposa? Lo que los hombres hagan diferente

facial skin care and beauty are not the concern of a woman more. Men spend several hours in the lounge, fitness center and shopping malls trying to look and feel younger. Manscaping and metrosexual man have become so popular that men take more seriously grooming and pay more attention to how they look. Moreover, the market is flooded with products for skin care that are exclusively for men.
skin care

You do not have to dive into the world of cosmetics and his wife to look better. The loan from your facelift or toner once while is fine, but no more. The following activities as part of their routine and b the gentleman can be.

daily face washes
There are some beauty tips that can steal women. Women are very particular to wash your face; men should also follow this advice. Get a soft cloth to remove dirt, dust and oil that has accumulated on your face cleanser. Men with oily skin need to wash your face more salicylic acid to remove dead surface skin and remove excess fat. While those dry, rough skin should use a moisturizer after washing your face.


Since the pores of men are bigger than women, they can become clogged easily. This can cause skin problems like acne and blemishes. deep cleaning is important; exfoliate with a scrub cleaning to get rid of dead skin cells.

Use sun protection

Always wear sunscreen SPF; This becomes more important when you stay outdoors all the time. Using sunscreen is the key to prevent your skin from sun damage, sun spots and sunburn.

Do not forget the night cream

Use a night cream before calling it a day. night creams tend to be more delicious and nutritious than standard moisturizers used during the day. Many also have anti-aging properties.

Shaving accurately
Splashing hot water on your face and neck to soften the hair before shaving. Never shave your face with a dull blade, as it can lead to razor bumps and cuts. You do not need a new blade every shave; just make sure it is sharp. Your skin should move freely with the blade of the knife, instead of pulling it against her skin. After you finish, apply aftershave without alcohol so that the face does not burn.

skin care

Diet and Exercise:

Well-rounded and healthy choices are crucial for keeping your skin fresh and glowing paper. Include fruits and vegetables in your diet to help circulate blood and oxygen to the skin cells. This will remove toxins from the skin and give a fresher appearance. Similarly, it is important that you participate in daily physical activities; promoting capillary operation, higher oxygen supply to the cells and decreases premature aging.

To look a youthful appearance, men have to pay attention to routine skin care. Understanding products skin care available to men and their proper use can help kids take good care of your skin.
