Thursday, February 18, 2016

Oiling the hair tips to properly

Oiling the best things you can do for your hair is. It has become very popular in India since ancient times and is still the most widely followed is one of the weekly rituals. Almost every home Witnesses weekly hair massage with oil. It helps to relieve stress from the scalp, prevents bacterial and fungal infections, and strengthen the roots.
hair care

Although weekly hair massage with oil 'Champi' the very common method of application and the choice of oil has been developed over time. The head hair of its natural oil production is increasing, providing nutrition to the scalp oil becomes a matter of what and how much. Too much oil can block the pores of a skull, scalp and hair, increasing the risk of damage to health. Likewise, an oily scalp oil needs to be compared to a dry scalp. Both, too much oil on the scalp oil and less oil on a dry scalp can do more harm than good. Similarly, the oil that suits your head and hair type is very important.

There is no perfect technique for applying the oil, however, you can achieve optimum results by following the tips.
  • Always prefer the warm oil, because it spreads easily on the head
  • Using the tips of your fingers, the hair on the head instead of hair, apply oil rights.
  • Never pour oil directly on the head, only slightly oily scalp oil before applying the dip your finger.
  • Gently massage the scalp with your fingers. Never rub your hair with your fingers.
  • Hold for 15 to 20 minutes massage your scalp.
  • For about 10 minutes with a hot towel steam your hair oil to help absorption.
  • Leave the oil in your hair overnight.
  • Within 24 hours, wash your hair with a suitable shampoo.
  •  Oil your hair at least once a week. 
hair care

The oil that your hair is also very important to choose the right type of suit. Here for your hair type, you should select the oil their hair.
For different types of hair oil
Normal Hair:
 Normal hair is not greasy nor dry. Jojoba, Almond and amla oil are recommended for normal hair types.

 dry hair:
 Dry hair dull, easily confused and prone to split ends. Oil is essential for this purpose that stimulates the sebaceous glands in the scalp produce more oil. Almond, jojoba, coconut, sesame, mustard, cocoa butter oil are recommended for dry hair types.
hair care

oily hair:
Sebum by the sebaceous glands of oily hair is usually caused by over-production are greasy. The type of oil that is required to restore to normal sebaceous glands enabled. Olive, sesame, and jojoba oil are recommended for this hair type.

Russian Children:
Essential oils can be very effective in reducing dandruff on the scalp. The best treatment for Russian oil, tea tree essential oil. You can also try out bhringraj oil.

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